LiveDist is a .NET (2.0 or above) product written in C#.
LiveDist selectively distributes data stored
in SQL-Server or Oracle databases. The server-side
components of LiveDist are deployed into a cluster
of web-servers, each of them running IIS (Microsoft's
web-server). The client-side components of LiveDist are
deployed into any machine running .NET 2.0 or above.
In each server machine, few instances of LiveDist can be
deployed, as different web-applications (each configured
by its own web.config file). The LiveDist several instances
are unaware of each other. They distribute different databases
or different tables in the same database. LiveDist instances
are deployed as different web-applications in the same web-site,
or as different web-sites in the same machine. Either way, they
run in different application-domains.
For a more detailed introduction, please visit this site's
home page,